Menetekel Film

Menetekel Film
Maarten Isaäk de Heer

Sewanstrasse 122
10319, Berlin

+49 30 297788829

animation studio - 2D tradigital - experimental - fulldome - VR animation - art - commissions

Dancing with Dead Animals


Animation artist Maarten Isaäk de Heer was astonished by the huge number of animal deaths in his direct environment: from masses of fruit flies all dying together, to mice brought in by his own cat. He decided to make a record of all of the dead creatures he encountered over the course of a single spring and summer.


Making 3D photograms of their sometimes semi-decomposed bodies enabled him to bring them back to life, so they can dance with a contemporary Adam and Eve in a paradisiacal landscape of twigs, leaves, bark and other dead organic material.


The dome projection draws the viewer into this celebration of life after death. Along the way, this living tableau of cadavers becomes increasingly surreal, like a scene by Hieronymus Bosch. It’s a danse macabre, but without any malevolent intentions. It goes beyond good and evil, simply illustrating the same biology that governs us all.



Innovation Award at SATFEST, Montreal, 2024
Excellence Award at SATFEST, Montreal, 2024
Excellence Award at Int. Fest. for Science Visualization, Japan, 2024
Honorable Mention at FICMA Fest, Mexico, 2023
Best Art and Experimental at Fulldome UK,2023

Honorable Mention at Fulldomefestival, Jena 2023
Winner of the Filmfund DocLab Interactive Grant 2022



Speculum Artium, Digital Big Screen, Slovenia 2024

Inconvenient Filmfestival, Vilnius, Lithuania 2023
Sheffield DocFest, Alternate Realities 2023

IDFA Doclab 2022



SHoRTs IFF, Italy 2024

SAT FEST, Montreal 2024
IFSV, Japan 2024
Dome Under Festival, Melbourne 2024
FICMA, Mexico 2024

Filmfestival Cottbus, 2023
TIAF, Tbilisi, Georgia 2023
FAB Dimensional Berlin 2023
Animatex, Egypt 2023
Horsetooth Filmfestival 2023

Macon Filmfestival 2023

Fulldome Festival Jena 2023


Fulldome/ VR, 8K, 11 min loop



Maarten Isaäk de Heer


Richard Valk, Evelyn Brancard for Menetekel Film

Sound Design

Michał Krajczok

Screening copy

Evelyn Brancard for Menetekel Film